If you are a regular reader, you will know that I have recently taken a much-needed break after temporarily closing The Anna List Clinic to both regular and new patients. Good news! I'm relaxed, refreshed, and the Clinic is OPEN again!
We spent several days in a forest, surrounded by busy squirrels, sat in a bubbling hot tub (us, not the squirrels, they were collecting for their stores), sipping cold drinks, and enjoying good quality food. I tried to upload a clip of the bubbling tub to my last blog to make you all jealous, but it just wouldn't upload, due to the poor internet coverage. However, I have managed to save this pic of my feet in the hot tub.

Oooooo, wish i was back in there!
We are definitely going to book again before the year is over. There is something so therapeutic about hot bubbly water and poor internet connection. I even managed to sit down long enough to watch some truly crap but curiously addictive TV - 'Married At First Sight' anyone? Or 'Naked Attraction'?
Look after yourself!
It's ridiculous that you can work so hard, that you forget how to relax. It's even more crazy that you can neglect yourself, and by that I don't just mean your health, but particularly your well being...to the point of utter and complete exhaustion.
I've spent a good part of my life driven to achieve a never ending list of goals and accomplishments, which in itself is fine. The problem is not knowing when to slow down or just stop for a bit and recuperate. It's been a tough lesson, and one I am determined to learn from.
I may be a great Medical Mistress, but goodness, I'm a crap patient.

Enquiries and appointments
I'm ready to start taking appointments from my existing patients from 10th October, and as promised, I will address recent enquiries that have been left to languish in my inbox.
Open from 10th October
So, existing patients, as always, send me a few dates so I can secure and confirm a mutually convenient appointment.
New patients, give me a couple of days to work through my inbox and if you haven't heard from me, contact me to remind me of your enquiry and your wish to see me.
Glad to be back!

Welcome back all refreshed n stuff . You missed nothing :)
Hi patients clinic Anna